Duke does digital marketing

Low brow digital know how

M2: DEEPLIST 8. Technological

Posted by dukebadger on March 28, 2009

The technological, together with the informational aspects of environmental analysis are perhaps the most likely to impact your trading and communications planning.

Technological change is occurring at an ever-increasing pace. The implication is that more and more products and services are becoming readily accessible, cheaper to buy, more efficient, cheaper to produce, with more choice and greater communication opportunities.

The continued adoption of the Internet is being driven by three major influences:

  1. Integration
  2. Shift from analogue to digital of a wide range of communication peripherals, e.g. television and radio
  3. Proliferation of and access to digital information

One of your greatest challenges as a digital marketer will be to assess what new technological innovations can be applied in your markets to create competitive advantage. the need for a deep understanding of trading environments and sharply focused business objectives remains an imperative.

the following metrics to assess new technologys viability:

1. Market value potential

2. Time to positive cash flow

3. Personnel requirement

4. Funding requirement

The metrics to assess fit are:

1. Alignment with core capabilities

2. Alignment with other company initiatives

3. Fit with organisational structure

4. Fit with companys culture and value

5. Ease of technical implementation

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